Saffery Champness

71 Queen Victoria St, EC4

32,372 sq ft


Client Objectives

Saffery Champness are Chartered Accountants and have been trading in the United Kingdom since 1855 as a Partnership. Following impending lease expiry on their existing offices, Saffery engaged a commercial agent, Alastair Subba Row, of Farebrother to acquire new space. Key considerations were to provide a modern, adaptable working environment with adequate meeting and entertainment spaces. In addition, provision of a catering kitchen to provide meals for Client meetings and functions, as well as close proximity to public transport were essential.

The Project

Interactive Space was appointed to provide Space Planning and Design, Workplace Consultancy and the Project Design Brief. By working at this early stage we were able to test-fit the shortlisted properties and work with the core team of senior partners to identify the most suitable building.

The Designers produced a set of design proposals for review and discussion and once the final layout and intents were completed, Interactive Space worked up the scope of works for both the architectural and engineering aspects of the project. The management of the fit out works followed the original programme without deviation from the critical path activities. Interactive space planned and managed the office move, IT migration and operational changes to the business that came about as a result of the workplace consultancy.